Fanboy Slaughter

CRank: 5Score: 17030

Way to tell it like it is Colbert, I'm actually eating your Americone Dream Ice Cream right now...good stuff...just like Shining Force.

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And he's just as much a biased fanboy as OldWizard himself, and he even taught him the masterful art of plugging your own sh!t to get hits, because otherwise it would drift away into Web Obscurity.

Granted, there's no grey area to work with, you either agree with what it says or you don't, and some lists are A-OK, but most is just an excuse to be an SNES pr!ck.

Now, I LOVED the SNES, still do to this day, but from the ages of 8-14, I seemed to be the only one to ...

5840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Watch Crapcast get a hold of this tech, only to ration it out at about 5Mbps, and you'll have to pay an extra $20/month for every Mbps extra after that.

5841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, that pretty much sums up someone who wastes time writing a blog about how much he hates how the PS3 looks. Saying it's the size of a small dictatorship and kicks cats?

Something tells me Phil Harrison crapped in his oatmeal while Kaz Hirai poured sugar in his gas tank while impregnating his sister, only to have Sir Howard Stringer walk in to give him an in-bed bukakke while setting his dog on fire.

Because if they did any less than that, I don't think a ha...

5841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks Beavis.

There seems to be such deep wounds among the snubbed HD-DVD fanboys. It's been over 6 months since the desmise of HD-DVD and these little turds STILL can't accept it.

This is exactly how I predicted it a year ago.

Blu-ray would win, and all the HD-DVD fanboys would start in on Digital Downloads and how they'll trounce Blu-ray, or that Blu-ray would fail, but these are all the same people who despise DRM and somehow are blind to the ...

5841d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And I remember when WildTangent first came out, it was a trojan virus that wiped out many of my friends' Hard Drives and Windows registries, resulting in my personal hatred for the guy.

Lost Billions? I don't really see any anymore, the 360 is profitable, and the PS3, as of right now anywho, is breaking even. And from what the current trends are, the PS3 is hardly the "Market Failure" it was described to be for the past 2 years.

The guy even LOOKS lik...

5842d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

That if most people couldn't buy it pre-owned, they just flat out wouldn't buy it.

I'm not about to pay full price for a "new" game I see a year or two down the line, I'd rather pay $20 or $30 for that used game that's 2 years old and obviously no longer worth $60.

5843d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but even DVD didn't overtake VHS completely until 2002, which was five years into it's life BTW.

5845d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wasn't exactly a huge fan of Sonic or Mario 64, but Shining Force and Gunstar Heroes?!

You've done it again, Old-Wizard. But at least you semi-admitted to your Nintendo fanboyism. So I'll let it slide.

5850d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These two hacks probably saw this from the start, sat on it to see if it became AAA material, and when it did and then some, they decided to strike.

Not only are they a day late and a dollar short, they're three years, three games late, and about $300 million short.

Gotta love litigation.

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trust me, when I went to buy one, the moron behind the desk, who looked like he was about 14, tried to go so far as to tell me they had been recalled when I went to buy a PS3. He said he wasn't allowed to sell me one and instead started spouting off about the 360. Told him I didn't want an RROD (which back in Feb. '07 was an almost certainty), and he got pissed! Tried to throw me out of the store, called his manager, and one less Gamestop employee later, I got my PS3.

Hey, a...

5854d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's not like Sony didn't accomplish their use the ps3 as a catalyst to get Blu-ray into homes.

Blu-ray was set-up to fail....Incomplete spec, more expensive, loaded with features that NOBODY will EVER use, although video was equal and sound was better, it was also more expensive, and not just by a little either. This format was built to fail and somehow kicked the living sh!t out of reason...PS3, plain and simple.

When people boug...

5855d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

....For the fact that it was completely fantastic and dreadfully under-hyped. I still have my copy, and it still sits on my hard drive. I think I've played through it with 4 different classes now, and the story never gets old, because it's different with every class you play as.

I miss the days of heavily story driven PC games. Choosing your response and almost every one of them affecting the next outcome. I don't get the constant b1tching about the the fighting, I've playe...

5855d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There goes Don again, thinking his sh!t doesn't stink.

5858d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For over 4 years here in northern IL, we had Insight 10Mbit/sec cable for $35/month, and it was awesome, no limits, and ANY AND ALL service calls were free of charge.

Jan. 1 of this year, Crapcast took over, lowered our speed to 6Mb/sec, and started charging $45/month, and the 10Mb I used to enjoy....I'm quoting a rep here; "Oh...that's our business class now, it's $79.99 a month for 10Mb/sec."

Not to mention they took away my National Geographic channel no...

5861d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jeez, one person remarks about the instinct of "Survival of the Fittest", and someone has to make a Nazi reference out of it.

Stupid people should be bred out.

5868d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

*Sigh* Another self-indulger schlepping himself on N4G just like OldWizard

This blatant self-publishing sh!t has got to stop.

Ranting aside, informative article, but nothing we didn't already know.

5870d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not that I want to seem gullible, I've seen a LOT of things like this happening, not to mention I was told by a sony customer service rep that sony has an unwritten policy on giving out free stuff here and there to "customers with repeated unfortunate incidents" as it was put by the rep.

I can't say I believe that he got THAT much free sh!t, but I'd believe a free game or two.

5871d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

About 3 weeks ago, my 60GB died. Waited for week for the damn shipping box, sent it in, and a week later got a refurb 60GB.

Less than 48 hrs. later, my refurb stops reading disks, call up Customer Service, complain (in a very polite way) to the CS supervisor letting them know (politely) that my replacement 60GB crapped out less than 2 days after getting it. So the Supervisor says they can e-mail me a 2-day ship label and I can just send it back in the box I got it in.

5871d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hear you completely. We had Insight Communications here in Northern IL for almost a decade, and they were great, they NEVER even charged for a repair call. They never b!tched about bandwith usage or anything, but when Comcast bought them out they saw that Insight had subscribers to the tune of almost 80% of the entire metro area population, so Comcast booted them to rural Kentucky while they (in a VERY hostile manner) took our area over.

Needless to say, I'm not thrilled with...

5872d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment